Below are selected publications. Please check my Google Scholar or CV for a full list of publications.

Conferences are the top-tier academic publishing venues in computer science and information science (CS/IS). Thus, most of my research is published in CS/IS conference proceedings.


  • A Mixed-Methods Study of Open-Source Software Maintainers On Vulnerability Management and Platform Security Features
    Jessy Ayala, Yu-Jye Tung, Joshua Garcia
    To appear in the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Sec 2025)

  • A Deep Dive Into How Open-Source Project Maintainers Review and Resolve Bug Bounty Reports
    Jessy Ayala, Steven Ngo, Joshua Garcia
    To appear in the 46th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2025)


  • "Do You Want Me to Participate or Not?": Investigating the Accessibility of Software Development Meetings for Blind and Low Vision Professionals
    Yoonha Cha, Isabela Figueira, Jessy Ayala, Emory James Edwards, Joshua Garcia, André van der Hoek, Stacy Marie Branham
    Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024)